Status | Note |
ADDED | MA3/2 export: New executor export option ‘Top’ will create a two-cue, self-releasing sequence that will trigger the Top at every CuePoint. |
ADDED | MA3/2 export: When exporting multiple tracks, an offset is available so that the imported sequences can be organised in the pool. |
ADDED | CueID incremental offset. For example, entering “201+10” will increment the following cues as 201, 211, 221 etc. |
ADDED | Entering a + sign as the CuePoint fade time will enter the time interval until the next CuePoint. |
ADDED | Control-Drag now controls playhead follow dependent on the Preference setting. |
ADDED | Alt-Drag now duplicates selected CuePoints |
ADDED | Show Current Project in Finder functionality added in the File menu. |
ADDED | Right-click option added in Recent Files list to Show in Finder. |
CHANGED | MA3/2 export: The executor export option ‘Temp’ will now create a Temp ‘Unpress’ that obeys the CuePoint’s fade time. If the fade time is 0s, the default will be 0.5s. |
CHANGED | Keyboard Shortcuts window now has shortcuts for labelling the current CuePoint and setting the fade time. |
CHANGED | Pixera export: The overall workflow of the Pixera export has improved. |
FIXED | Trying to export files before the project had been saved was crashing the application. |
FIXED | Dual Waveform functionality is now working correctly. |
FIXED | The Pre-Roll setting was not being correctly recalled into the track edit menu. |
FIXED | Importing media with more than 2 audio channels was not possible in the previous version. |
FIXED | MA3 Timecode Import: Optimising importing of MA3 timecode objects. |
FIXED | Chamsys export: Compatibility issues resolved. |
FIXED | Eos export: Labels are now correctly displayed in the Eos Show Control tab. |
FIXED | Numerous bug fixes to improve overall stability. |