Action | Key (Default) | Description |
Play / Pause | Space Bar | Stopping & Starting of playback |
Skip Playhead Backwards | ← (+ Shift and CMD for different amounts of skip) | Skips the playhead forward by a preset amount or when holding Option key will move selected CuePoints also |
Skip Playhead Forwards | → (+ Shift and CMD for different amounts of skip) | Skips the playhead forward by a preset amount or when holding Option key will move selected CuePoints also |
Previous CuePoint | ↑ | Jump to the previous CuePoint |
Next CuePoint | ↓ | Jump to the next CuePoint |
Skip To Start | Comma | Move the playhead to the start of track |
Previous Track | < | Select the previous track |
Next Track | > | Select the next track |
Toggle Repeat Loop | R | When playback is paused, playhead returns back to the starting position |
Snap Selected To Playhead | S | Current selection will be moved to the playhead |
Label Current CuePoint | L | Label / rename the selected CuePoint |
Fade Current CuePoint | F | Specify the fade time of the selected CuePoint |