Export cues, sequences, timecode objects and pages - all batch exported into one single MA3 macro
Export to GrandMA3
To Export go to File > Export… > GrandMA3
The export window is split into 3 sections:
Cue Playbacks (Left) which will export to Sequences
Track Playbacks (Centre) which will export to Pages
Sequence / Pool / Timecode Options (Right)
Cue Playbacks (Sequences)
Execs can be exported in 2 ways:
- Sequence Per CuePoint Type - A separate sequence is created for each Cue Type per track.
- Merge CuePoint Types - Creates a single cue list combining all cues from selected Cue Types. One Sequence per track or one sequence for all tracks (depending on the option specified in Track Playbacks.
Check/uncheck the sequences you wish to export, there is Select All
and None
for quick selections.
EXEC ID Give the sequence/exec location per Cue Type, on each page that it is used. Entering 101+1 will assign the following IDs 101,102,103 for example.
CMD Go - Recommended option for primary cue lists. Goto - Cue list option, asserts tracked values. Temp - Recommended for hits with varying durations. It allows for different un-press times per cue which is set via the cue fade time, if no fade time is specified for the cue, then the un-press time is set at 1 second. Top - Recommended for repeated hits with the duration set/changed within MA3. Creates 2 cues - Hit & Release follow cue. Only the hit cue is added to the timecode.
FIXED Only an option for Top & Temp CMD sequences, If a Cue Type is used for multiple tracks, FIXED allows multiple tracks to reference the one sequence instead of creating a separate sequence for each track.

Track Playbacks (Pages)
In this section, you specify which tracks you wish to export and which page each track should be.
Check/uncheck the tracks you wish to export, there is Select All
and None
for quick selections.
Page Specify the page location for each track to export the tracks execs too. Entering 1+1 will assign the following pages 1,2,3,4 for example.
If you have chosen to merge Cue Points in the previous section you will have 2 options:
- One Executor Per Track - Create one sequence per track, containing all cues from the selected Cue Types.
- One Executor - Combine selected Cue Types across all selected tracks to form one sequence.
Enter the Exec ID for the sequence location on the specified page.
Sequence / Pool / Timecode Options
Sequence Options Cue Appearance - Set cues to Default Appearance or CuePoint Colours. Note Column - Leave empty or CuePoint Type Name for cue note column. Sequence Pool Start - The starting sequence pool location where all sequences will be stored. Sequence Pool Offset - Specify the sequence offset amount between tracks sequence pool location. For example: If a Pool Start = 100 and Pool Offset = 100, each track will store sequences starting at 101, 201, 301 etc.
Pool Options Pool Appearance - Set sequence pool objects to Default Appearance or CuePoint Colours.
Timecode Options There are 3 options for exporting timecode:
- Timecode Pool Per Track - Each track will have a separate timecode object.
- Merge to Single Timecode Object - All selected tracks timecode events are combined into one timecode object.
- Use Cue TrigTime Only - Cue trigger times are set at the offsets between cues.
Use Timecode Object for Offset - Applies the timecode offset to the timecode object and start cues from 00:00:00:00 - making it easy to adjust the offset in the console.
or Use Absolute Position - Cues are at their absolute time including offset.
Timecode Destination - The timecode pool location where timecode objects will be stored. Global Latency Negative Offset - Add a negative global offset to all timecode objects in frames.
Export the GrandMA3 Macro
Press Export to GrandMA3
Export the plugin to a USB stick at path: /gma3_library/datapools/macros.
Running the GrandMA3 Macro
- Open a macro window
- Edit an empty macro
- Press Import
- Select “CuePoints Export”
- Press on the macro to run
Or create a macro to install and run the latest CuePoints plugin on your drive:
Select drive 2
Import Macro Library "CuePoints Export.xml" At Macro 1
Go+ Macro 1